
stovenour.net gets a new server

Author: Michael Stovenour - Published Thu 17 of Dec, 2009 22:39 CST - (40696 Reads)
stovenour.net gets a new server thanks to Kenny Hood who graciously donated his athlon XP 2800+ server that was destined for a landfill. Turns out that this little server screams with linux loaded.

Podcasting Feature for TikiWiki

Author: michael - Published Sun 27 of Aug, 2006 18:47 CDT - (102603 Reads)
This wiki is being updated to support podcasts from the file galleries. There is an entire section devoted to this development effort; ckeck it out: TikiWiki Podcasting Development Project" class="wiki wiki_page">TikiWikiPodcasting

A Wiki is Born!

Author: Michael Stovenour - Published Sun 27 of Aug, 2006 11:49 CDT - (22266 Reads)
Welcome to the www.stovenour.net Wiki. This wiki site was brought to life as an experiment in Wikiness, to understand its uses, and where it might be applied to both personal and business oriented communication. Read More to discover what I believe Wiki is all about and how I plan to use it.