
Hardware Projects


  • X-10 Trap - Simple addition to power strip isolates X-10 signal suckers


  • Pool Fill Controller - AVR/ESP8266 based 24v valve controller w/ web interface
  • Freeduino Cube" class="wiki wiki_page">Freeduino Cube - Freeduno modular hardware prototyping system
    • Freeduino CCM" class="wiki wiki_page">Freeduino CCM - Common Compute Module
  • Direct Voltage Adapter - 400V Peek Reading Meter Adapter
  • exPL - Embedded version of the xPL automation protocol

Concept Only w/ Research Notes

Hardware Reference Material


Need to create an Arduino / Freeduino Reference Page
Illuminato - $30 Arduino / Freeduino board that has 42 digital IO’s and 64k code space. Open hardware design
Contributors to this page: michael .
Page last modified on Tuesday 07 of June, 2016 01:31:51 CDT by michael.