I want to build an RGB LED driver that is connected to my home automation. There are a number of applications, but I'm primairly interested in simulating a sunrise. I'm netorously hard to get out of bed before the sun rises. At or after sunrise I have no problem. For this application I need a fairly bright RGB LED that can gradually bring up the room ilumination and possibly vary the color. I intend to bouce off my white celings so the LED (or LEDs) will need to be quite powerful.


This is the baby I want, but it is only available in limited quantities right now.
7007-RGB-01-3 - Luxeon Rebel Star - Red/Green/Blue Tri-Emitter $15.99 ea
7007-RGB-01-3 - From LED Supply
LED Light Bar - Tri-Color - $4.95 These might work but are considerably less bright

VNQ660SP - Good 4 channel PWM 6A switch; expensive but good if multiple LEDs are chained to each channel driving up the current requirements

STP16CP59 - $2.50; Low voltage 16-Bit, constant current LED sink driver;
Application Note
- High power LED modles; Has a great power supply section at the end!
AN2141 - LEDs Array Reference Board Design

High Power LED mood Lamp - Good example with a 3W RGB LED
Contributors to this page: michael .
Page last modified on Sunday 06 of April, 2008 08:12:29 CDT by michael.