Community Speed Reporting


Neighborhood communities struggle to keep vehicle speeds to reasonable and safe levels. Law enforcement is one tool that can be effective, however it is an expensive option that municipalities are reluctant to employ unless there is a proven concern. Neighborhood communities could benefit from having their own installation of speed sensing equipment that constantly provides statistics regarding the upper bound speeds for vehicles vs. time of day. This information can then be used to petition law enforcement.

The project presented here is a straight forward approach to the problem where a mobile speed detection device is placed in a neighborhood and data is reported to a web based application. The detection device and web tools track and report GPS location in addition to the speed information.

Development Plan

The speed detection device will be developed in at least two phases. The prototype phase will focus on solving overall architectural issues with the hardware, embedded software, and web site software. In this phase only one prototype will be built and the focus will be on selecting off the shelf technologies that limit the amount of development required in both hardware and software. The beta phase will focus mildly on cost reduction and manufacturability but primarily on solving long term use and maintenance issues. These issues normally involve deciding the best power strategy, how to package the device for long term weather exposure, and strategies for manage many field systems. If by some miracle the system becomes a commercial platform then there will be a commercialization phase that will focus heavily on cost reductions, packaging, and marketing.

Prototype Project Tasks

Select Cellular Modem Technology

There are a couple of options including CDPD, EDGE, and GPRS. Each likely will have service pricing dependencies. Some time should be spent researching the various service pricing options available. In addition approvals may be required to operate OEM cellular radios on each operator network.

Select Hardware

The hardware architecture is such that each fundamental block can be treated separately from the others. Specific hardware implementations must be selected within each fundamental block. These blocks include the base computing platform, the cellular modem, the GSM module, the Radar or Lidar module, and the power supply.

Select Web Technology

There are a vast number of options available to provide web based access to the statistical speed information. Selections should be made regarding the operational platform, the 3rd party software, and the development environment.


OEM Radar / Lidar Modules

MPH Industries - Radar and Lidar Products - DS-4 OEM Radar Module RS-232
Stalker Speed Sensor Doppler radar - Plano, TX
MDL :: LaserAce ILM


MultiTech SocketModem EDGE - MTSMC-E.R4 / $193 @ Digi-Key
MultiTech SocketModem GPRS - / $152 @ Digi-Key
MultiTech MultiModem iCell - MTCMR-G-F4-NAM / $269 @ Digi-Key Complete modem

Compute Platforms

Existing Commercial Solutions

There are a number of existing commercial solutions at least one of which
supplies a web based reporting tool.
WebEmpowered, Traffic Calming Program, Road Safety Device, Variable Message Sign
Radarsign Traffic Statistics: Data Collection & Reports
Radar Speed Signs : Traffic Calming Solutions
Speed Data Recorders - portable - from Roadside Technologies
Model R18360 Portable Radar Speed Monitor

Contributors to this page: michael .
Page last modified on Tuesday 22 of September, 2009 09:30:35 CDT by michael.