The CCM is, in its simplest form, just an Arduino clone. However, given that the CCM is designed to be a generic sensor and actuator controller platform, there are slightly different requirements from the requirements that drove the Arduino. Some notable requirement differences:- CCM will likely be installed for long periods of time vs. being continually updated
- CCM can eliminate the USB / TTL serial bridge and rely on external USB / TTL serial adapters
- CCM will nearly always be addressed on an automation bus
- CCM should have an electronic serial number
- CCM will have many, diverse power supplies
- Power regulation can be moved off the CCM or provide a low current LDO footprint that can be populated as needed
- Many CCM applications will need to measure temperature in ranges suitable for 1-wire devices
- Provide optional footprints for a 1-wire interface
Arduino SiteArduino on a breadboard
ITP Physical Computing - Tons of microcontroller and Arduino reference information
Freeduino,:::::.org/" rel="external">freeduino - Tons of links to other Arduino material
Atmel.com Site
Samtec Samples - Make headers for the XBee also have the pass-through headers for stacking
DS2411 - $1.59@DigiKey; 48bit serial number 1-wire device for Zigbee implementations
Consider adding an SPI RTC to the base CCM:
SPI Real Time Clock / Calendar
Arduino Shields
Battery Module - Li+ with 3.3V/5V regulator and charger
RS-232/485/irDC Application Module
- Based on this serial to I2C chip SC16IS740 - $2.35 @ DigiKey
Ethernet I/O Module
Misc. Chips
- DS2482 - i2c to 1 or 8 bus 1-wire protocol converter and line driver
- DS1307 - Dallas RTC w/ I2C interface
Misc. Modules
These might be good to just socket on to a shield- Ethernet mini board - $20 @ futurlec.com; SPI
- SD/MMC mini board - $7 @ futurlec.com; SPI
Samtec ESQ - Try ESQ-108 w/ long pins for stack through shield nestingMove to the XBee page
Rob Faludi's Blog - Excellent XBee resourceXBee firmware update - on a breadboard
Arduino Xbee Interface Circuit (AXIC)
Arduino Notes
My primary design goal was to keep my Freeduino cube I/O headers the same as the orignal Arduino. I also want to keep the mounting holes the same if that doesn't cause me heartache with my project boxes.Changes between my layout and the original Arduino layouts:
- I wanted to use 8 pin headers everywhere so that I only need to purchase one type of socket. To accomplish this I added a hole between J2 (analog I/O) and the Power header and added 3 additional holes past the power connector. These additional pins provide a continuous 16 pin run and are connected to ground and Vin
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