I realized that once I hook in the command library it will take over the serial port. If I write debugging information it will send that to the connected AVR which should ignore it as garbage. (note to self: make sure command library can detect garbage) There is a solution using a second serial port on the ESP8266, but it is only one way because the RX pin can not be used. I would also need to make an adapter for my FTDI cable. Then I had an idea; why not just publish an MQTT debug topic? It seems like this might be handy even after development is done for debugging live issues. I planned to add MQTT support regardless so it should be relatively easy to add another topic.
- Research and install MQTT broker on local LAN
- Decided to use Mosquitto
- Followed: How to Setup a Mosquitto MQTT Server
- Installed on Ian so it can server both LANs
- Configure the MQTT Arduino client
- Add MQTT configuration parameters to the web configuration screen
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