
exPL Network Stack

The exPL Network Stack is defined from a generic model related to the OSI 7-layer model. The specific layout and terminology are closely related to the Zigbee standard specification. The stack model defines interworking interfaces where developers can "plug-in" new adaptations. The layer definitions also allow a developer to understand the expectations and interfaces of the layers above a new layer under development. By following the stack definitions the developer can ensure that when adding new network transports they get the most code reuse and extend the stack in a manor expected by other developers. The stack model also defines a common vocabulary for documentation and to use when discussing the code.

The exPL network stack specification defines how various physical layer connections are implemented. The ultimate goal of each stack is to accept and present xPL messages to the xPL application using a consistent interface regardless of the underlying physical layer. This allows the developer to build applications without considering how the end user might interconnect the devices.

exPL Network Stack Reference Diagram

The stack model defines the following entities:
  • SAP: Service Access Point - The SAP specifies a well defined interface that upper layers use to communicate with the lower layers. This interface is typically implemented as a library function call and specifies the calling parameters, expected behavior, and the return values.
  • DE: Data Entity - The DE specifies the service access point and behavior when forwarding data between stack layers.
  • ME: Management Entity - The ME specifies the service access point and behavior for any functions that manage the layer. These functions may include configuration, querying the layer's information stores, retrieving and clearing statistics, etc.
  • IB: Information Base - The IB specifies any static storage for the layer. This typically includes configuration, statistics counters, and caches used when forwarding data.
exPL Network Stack

Defined Implementations

The following diagram shows the implementations defined in exPL and how each is related to the network stack. This diagram will be updated as new network transports are defined.
exPL Network Stack

exPL Network Stack Examples

The figure below shows some examples of how the stack definitions apply to actual implementations.
exPL Network Stack
Contributors to this page: michael .
Page last modified on Sunday 27 of November, 2011 11:07:24 CST by michael.

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
44 cube_xPL_stack_examples_v2.gif eXPL Stack Examples michael Sun 27 of Nov, 2011 09:19 CST 29.56 Kb 2413
43 cube_xPL_stack_implementations_v2.gif eXPL Stack Implementations michael Sun 27 of Nov, 2011 09:18 CST 7.30 Kb 2443
42 cube_xPL_stack_v2.gif exPL Stack michael Sun 27 of Nov, 2011 09:18 CST 25.97 Kb 2571