
Pool Fill

ToDo items for the Pool Fill project

Items 14

Subject Priority Owner Created Last modified
Web Client: Add error handling for connectivity loss
5-Med michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Web Server: Serial Command Interface
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Web Server: WiFi Network Management and mDNS
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Web Server: Controller Time Update Task
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Web Server: REST Interface
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Web Server: Parameter Storage
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Controller: LCD menu
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Hardware: Face plate
5-Med michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Hardware: Schematic capture
5-Med michael "19-Jun-2016" "19-Jun-2016"
Hardware: Create board layout for Arduino striped
8-Low michael "9-Jan-2017" "9-Jan-2017"
Web Server: SNTP Client / overall time sync strategy
1-High michael "19-Jun-2016" "16-Feb-2017"
Project: Create GitHub repository for the project
8-Low michael "16-Feb-2017" "16-Feb-2017"
Web Server: Debugging ESP8266 w/o serial console (MQTT)

1-High michael "16-Feb-2017" "16-Feb-2017"
Web Server: Tracking key performance indicators
1-High michael "16-Feb-2017" "16-Feb-2017"