
TikiWiki Install

This is my first attempt at a new install where I want to migrate data from an existing server. In the process TikiWiki will be upgraded from 1.9.x to 3.0.

On the old system prepare the data that is to be imported:

Find all the changed or added files

cd /var/www/TikiWiki
gunzip -c tikiwiki-1.9.11.tar.gz | tar xf -
diff -qr stovenour tikiwiki-1.9.11
diff -qr jdock tikiwiki-1.9.11

Move over any changed files

Backup the TikiWiki database

/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
cd /var/www/TikiWiki
mysqldump -uroot -p stovenour > stovenour.1.9.11_20091004.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p jdock > jdock.1.9.11_20091004.sql
tar cf - stovenour.1.9.11_20091004.sql jdock.1.9.11_20091004.sql | gzip > TikiWiki.1.9.11_db_20091004.tar.gz
rm stovenour.1.9.11_20091004.sql jdock.1.9.11_20091004.sql

Create archive for galleries

cd /var/www/TikiWiki
tar cf - fileAttachments fileGalleries imageGalleries | gzip > TikiWiki.1.9.11_galleries_20091004.tar.gz

Create archive for site logos

cd /var/www/TikiWiki
tar cf - stovenour/styles/tikipedia/logo*.* | gzip > TikiWiki.1.9.11_logos_20091004.tar.gz

Backup custom themes and logos

Can not use the tikipedia theme from v1.9 for v3.2; will need to install a new v3.2 theme.
Site logos still need to be moved over

/etc/init.d/apache2 start

Stage the files on the new system

su -
mkdir /var/www/TikiWiki
cd /var/www/TikiWiki
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/tikiwiki/TikiWiki%203.x%20-Betelgeuse-/Tiki%203.2/tikiwiki-3.2.tar.gz?use_mirror=softlayer
gunzip -c tikiwiki-3.2.tar.gz | tar xf -

Install custom themes

cd /var/www/TikiWiki
wget http://themes.TikiWiki.org/tiki-directory_redirect.php?siteId=81
tar zxf tikipedia_tiki_3.tar.gz
cp -r tikipedia_tiki_3/styles tikiwiki-3.2
cp -r tikipedia_tiki_3/templates tikiwiki-3.2

Install site logos

tar zxf TikiWiki.1.9.11_logos_20091004.tar.gz

Initialize the ownership and permissions

cd /var/www/TikiWiki/tikiwiki-3.2
sh setup.sh

cd /var/www/TikiWiki
tar xf TikiWiki.1.9.11_galleries_20091004.tar.gz

Create the database

mysqladmin -p -u root create "stovenour"
mysql -p -u root
on stovenour.* to tiki@localhost identified by 'tiki_user_pw_here';

Import the old database

cd /var/www/TikiWiki
tar xf TikiWiki.1.9.11_db_20091004.tar.gz
mysql -p -u root stovenour < stovenour.1.9.11_20091004.sql

Start TikiWiki

Create apache virtual host for stovenour
a2ensite stovenour
mv tikiwiki-3.2 stovenour
/etc/init.d/apache2 start

Contributors to this page: michael .
Page last modified on Saturday 07 of November, 2009 08:55:44 CST by michael.